Working as a locum has a lot of advantages, but there are some important points regarding tax and your finances that you should be aware of. In this article, Ed at Medics’ Money, a GP, Chartered....
Clinical, Continuous Professional Development, Education and CPD
Even with women’s health finally getting the consideration it deserves in undergrad and post-grad medical training, there’s still a lot of uncertainty around the diagnosis and treatment of menopause.
The NHS will always be under pressure and, in the eyes of the service, will never have enough resources.
With recent changes to the NHS pension and pension taxation, there’s a lot of confusion around the best way to manage pensions.
The NHS is under considerable pressure over this winter period, as demand for services has surged with the onset of cold weather, ongoing COVID-19 challenges and influenza.
NHS England has released the list of digital providers for their 2022/23 flexible staff pool provider framework, and Lantum’s award-winning solution has received the highest score.
The funding for the 2022/23 digital providers framework from NHS England has been announced, and we’re pleased to say that Lantum received the highest score on the framework.
Health systems innovation, Awards
Despite being the fifth largest employer in the world, the NHS remains heavily reliant on expensive recruitment agencies and fragmented staff-led initiatives, like WhatsApp, spreadsheets and....
As a GP, there are dozens of directions you can take your career. And when you’re just getting started, that can be an intimidating prospect.
We recently wrapped up the 2022 edition of our 21st Century GP webinar series, designed to give guidance to newly qualified and First5 GPs as you start your GP career.