Richmond GP Alliance extended access Hub services were very popular amongst the GP community in Richmond, however, their management teams were suffering from the admin headaches of keeping the Hubs....
Ockham Healthcare is a think tank and consultancy who work with CCGs, federations and individual practices across the UK to support working at scale. We spoke with Founder and Principal Consultant,....
Early career GP, Next generation GP
Being a GP trainee provides an exciting time. It’s when many learn how diverse the life of a GP can be, as it’s one of the few jobs that give the flexibility to do other things alongside your career.
Out of Hours, Extended Access Hubs
The new Primary Care Access Scheme provides each CCG area with an opportunity to develop plans to utilise the £6.00 per head funding to provide Extended Access using a ‘Hub’ model. There is....
Samantha Jones, former NHS England Director for New Models of Care, strives to support & empower people to improve health and care services across the UK. She led the Vanguard Programme which drove....
When it comes to the burning questions of what’s keeping GP practice managers up at night, we turned to Becky Malby, Professor of Health Systems Innovation, London South Bank University. Becky....
NHS pension, BMA, Finance, pension, Working as a GP locum
There has been a lot of anxiety and confusion around the type 2 self-certificate forms and the incorrect annualisation calculations resulting in disputes between GPs and the NHS Business Authority.....
portfolio GP, Appraisal, indemnity, BMA, Getting work, GP indemnity and medicolegal, Working as a GP locum
On 11th January 2018 the BMA published guidance for GPs who are thinking about working for an online provider. With patients increasingly wanting access to medical services in a safe, timely and....
Access to routine and timely GP appointments is amongst the toughest challenges within primary care. In 2016 NHSE GP Forward View and the King's Fund Understanding pressures in General Practice....