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Federation, General Practice, Five Year Forward View
It is currently felt within NHS primary care organisations that sustainability and meeting the demands of the ever growing and ever complex population can only be implemented if providers can deliver....
Lantum is committed to delivering smart and simple tools that make life easier for our GP community. That’s why we’ve just rolled out electronic signatures so that practice managers can auto sign....
Advice Guide, GP locum work, Opinion, Early career GP, General Practice, work life balance, Working as a GP locum
Managing finances, NHS pension
Dr Krishan Aggarwal is Lantum's GP Community Rep for Portfolio Careers. Below are his notes from recent meetings with NHSE (NHS England) and Capita (PCSE) on sessional GP issues with NHS pensions…
GP parent, Clinical, Education and CPD
By Guest Blogger Dr Anjali Gibbs, GP...
Managing finances, NHS pension
Dr Krishan Aggarwal Network Locum (now Lantum) GP Community Rep for Portfolio Careers, shares his notes from recent meetings with NHSE (NHS England) and Capita (PCSE) on sessional GP issues with NHS....