I remember my Mother telling me that being a parent involves a lot of guilt - for some it’s not breast feeding for as long - if at all, not going to the right groups, or as they get older, not....
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NHS England has announced the continuation of the winter indemnity scheme whereby GPs can be reimbursed for indemnity costs for any additional Out of Hours (OOH) and unscheduled care work.
I successfully left medicine on Tuesday August 5th, 2014. I had worked as a doctor for three years. A lot of people think I’m brave, courageous and super cool. Others think I’m barmy and have wasted....
As part of the Portfolio GP series “5 minutes with…” Dr Cantlay interviews Dr Foell, a musculoskeletal and rehabilitation medicine specialist.
When I applied for adoption as a portfolio GP, I wasn’t prepared for how I would have to deal with both organising the process and my colleagues’ reactions. Here’s what I learned along the way:
A juggler delights the child; he fills the working mum with admiration. Like him, she must have great poise and timing. And like him, she must deal with those extra pieces, keeping them in seamless....