The debate around indemnity rages on – most of us have been deluged by online petitions campaigning for crown indemnity and the press coverage this issue has received.
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GP Dr Jay Bowden writes on 'consulting in the clink' - being a GP in the reception process for new inmates.
I was at a GP conference recently where I got talking to one of the exhibitors. They were promoting an app that allows patients to request a GP consultation at home or the location of their choice at....
Today Mr Hurting Bone came in steaming because his orthopaedic appointment went badly. The consultant was rude, he was late, he didn’t explain, and when Mr H Bone asked questions, he ignored him.....
Primary Care, GP locum, GP locum work, NHS, Continuous Professional Development
NHS England have released the GP Forward View – the long-awaited prescription for change. This 58 page document has divided the profession when it has never been more crucial to be united: the RCGP....
Media doctor Victoria King gives some tips on how to launch your media career as a GP
GP Aisha Yahaya asks if the government's plans for mental health are achievable
The RCGP has produced a poster for patients saying GPs need to take breaks - but will this do anything to reduce workload? Claire Davies outlines a 7 point alternative plan.
NHS, Opinion, work life balance
It’s 8 am and I’m standing outside a locked GP surgery in the rain. Water runs off my cycle helmet and onto my glasses. I shift my heavy briefcase, full of medical equipment, from hand to hand,....