Dr Krishan Aggarwal Network Locum (now Lantum) GP Community Rep for Portfolio Careers, sheds some light on NHS pension contributions under Capita.
Dr Aggarwal is Deputy Chair of the Sessional....
Managing finances, NHS pension
Dr Krishan Aggarwal Network Locum (now Lantum) GP Community Rep for Portfolio Careers, sheds some light on NHS pension contributions under Capita.
Dr Aggarwal is Deputy Chair of the Sessional....
Limited company vs sole trader, tax, financial advice, self-employment
From the 6th of April, a legislative change is coming into force that will affect all Locum GPs working through their own limited companies.
GP locum work, General Practice, Getting work
Dr Barry McClelland tells of his frustrations with getting on the GP Performer's List - now handled by outsourcing company, Capita
GP locum work, Managing finances, financial advice, Getting work, self-employment
The debate about how much GPs earn goes on. Partners earn too much, locums are ‘milking it’, salaried GPs are the easy riders of the NHS. The headline of this article will probably be viewed by some....
Michael Balint’s original GP groups were formed to study the nature of the doctor patient relationship and are described in his book The doctor, his patient and the illness.
There are now over 140,000 Karen people who have fled war - ongoing since 1949 - to live in refugee camps on the Thai-Burma border.
Ask any highly successful individual or organisation and they will tell you that one of the reasons they are successful is that they know what they are about and they have a clear idea where it’s all....
Advice Guide, portfolio GP, Getting work
Linkedin is one of the most powerful tools for professional development that is rarely used by doctors. By having a profile on Linkedin, you strengthen your online presence, and grow your personal....
Lantum is a workforce platform that uses technology to simplify all aspects of healthcare staffing.
Our easy-to-use tools empower healthcare organisations to fill their shifts and professionals to fill their diaries, without the need for agencies. And they dramatically reduce time spent on rostering admin, compliance, and invoice chasing.
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