Guest blogger Dr Hajra Siraj reflects on what she learned while celebrating International Women's Day in a refugee camp, and how this will impact her practise at home...
humanitarian work, GP locum, Overseas coming and going, volunteering abroad
Many GPs are drawn to do humanitarian aid work. It's a natural extension of the vocational aspect of being a GP. Some GPs have chosen the locum career path particularly with humanitarian aid work in....
humanitarian work, Overseas, Overseas coming and going, volunteering abroad
Like so many of you, I have watched the News over the past few months and
humanitarian work, Overseas, Overseas coming and going, volunteering abroad
Posting by GP Dr Luqmaan Malik
Overseas, australia, Overseas coming and going
Guest posting by Dr Janaka Malwatta in Brisbane
Overseas, Overseas coming and going, volunteering abroad
Medicins San Frontières (MSF) is an independent, impartial, humanitarian aid organisation that was founded in 1971 by a group of doctors and journalists who believed that every person, regardless of....
GMC, Overseas, Overseas coming and going
Getting a license to practice medicine in the UK can seem straightforward enough if you completed all of your medical training in the UK. Similarly, the General Medical Council recognizes European....