Once you're all signed up, you'll need to upload your documentation for approval by our Head of Clinical Governance, Dr Susie Brennan.
03 Jun 2013
The advice below covers England and Wales
When working as a locum doctor, one difference is that you must pay your own tax, national insurance and pension contributions. Any locum doctor that is not....
GP locum, GP locum work, Getting work
28 May 2013
Before agreeing to work in a practice, think about writing some simple terms and conditions to protect yourself and the practice in case of disagreement.
19 Apr 2013
We at Network Locum (now Lantum) have asked financial adviser to health and sporting professionals, Chris Broome to provide his thoughts on GP finances. His conclusion - whatever phase you are at....
15 Apr 2013
Fill in our survey and we will inform you of your earning potential vs. your peers.
portfolio GP, Mindfulness and burnout
28 Feb 2013
Sound advice from Dr Allende on how to help yourself
It’s times like these where I feel like the only logical course of action is to bang my head against the wall. Desperate? Maybe, but often it feels utterly futile trying to combat the elephant in the....