Once we’ve verified your identity, you can start applying for jobs and be working within days. To get your first job, follow the steps below.
Click on the ‘Find a job’ button on the blue bar at....
Click on the ‘Find a job’ button on the blue bar at....
Once you're all signed up, you'll need to upload your documentation for approval by our Head of Clinical Governance, Dr Susie Brennan.
When working as a locum doctor, one difference is that you must pay your own tax, national insurance and pension contributions. Any locum doctor that is not....
GP locum, GP locum work, Getting work
We at Network Locum (now Lantum) have asked financial adviser to health and sporting professionals, Chris Broome to provide his thoughts on GP finances. His conclusion - whatever phase you are at....
portfolio GP, Mindfulness and burnout
Lantum is a workforce platform that uses technology to simplify all aspects of healthcare staffing.
Our easy-to-use tools empower healthcare organisations to fill their shifts and professionals to fill their diaries, without the need for agencies. And they dramatically reduce time spent on rostering admin, compliance, and invoice chasing.
4th Floor,
15 Bonhill Street,
London, EC2A 4DN
0203 771 8411
© 2018 Lantum LTD, formerly Network Locum. All Rights Reserved.