How to be asked back as a GP locum
Dr Claire Davies
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humanitarian work, GP locum, Overseas coming and going, volunteering abroad
Many GPs are drawn to do humanitarian aid work. It's a natural extension of the vocational aspect of being a GP. Some GPs have chosen the locum career path particularly with humanitarian aid work in....
GP locum work, indemnity, GP indemnity and medicolegal, self-employment
The BMA GPC for England have announced conclusion of negotiations with NHS Employers on changes to the GP Contract 2017, including confirmation of funding intended to cover the annual average....
Dr Chris Smith has over 80 essential websites for busy GPs who need to look things up
GPs are facing another paperwork mountain as some schools are now insisting that children who are too ill to do PE should get a note from their doctor.
These days, medical school selection processes place great emphasis on candidate’s interpersonal skills. Future doctors are chosen on the basis of their communication skills, caring ability and....