Lantum Blog

Making the impossible possible at Salford Primary Care Together

Written by Lantum | Aug 2, 2024 5:20:12 PM


Local care providers are best positioned to understand what kind of care their communities need and put it into action. But sometimes it's not that easy — and you need the right tools to help. 

Salford Primary Care Together was facing hurdles on its mission to deliver integrated primary care services for its community:

Systems were disconnected and working against them, creating hours of avoidable work

Clinicians were struggling to access the rota and work flexibly

Pension forms, payments and clinical governance were taking up too much time

Staff were facing questions about IR35 and were concerned about avoiding penalties from HMRC

Each of these problems seemed overwhelming. But workforce leaders identified that by transforming how they run their system, they could solve all of them at once.

Working with Lantum, SPCT is now more efficient and in control. With a solid foundation they have the resilience to handle anything – from day-to-day admin demands to last-minute CQC inspections, and setting up new services quickly.


Lantum's job

When Lantum started working with SPCT, the goal was to build a partnership that not only helped SPCT operate more efficiently but boosted the team's capacity to care for their local community. 

The ask:

1. Create administrative efficiency across several urgent care sites.

One workforce across multiple sites didn't just mean rotas were easier. It meant staff could schedule more efficiently and make sure that clinicians were where they were needed most.

2. Help to ensure IR35 and clinical governance compliance, reducing room for error.

Taxes and clinical governance docs are two things no one wants to get wrong — but they're both tricky and time-consuming. Lantum's system offered transparency and kept everything in one place, so staff could pull up the right information when they needed it. 

3. Give staff a single source of truth for the rota and more flexibility over shifts.

Keeping staff informed is a key step towards a healthy, thriving workforce. With Lantum, they had a say in how they worked and could get reliable information quickly. 


How a partnership with Lantum helped SPCT deliver the best care

Step 1: Onboarded 146 multidisciplinary staff to a bank

Step 2: Launched a centralised rota, giving a single source of truth for all salaried, locum and sessional staff 

Step 3: Gave salaried staff a way to schedule their own flexible shifts

Step 4: Created an automatic audit trail of shifts to help ensure IR35 compliance

Step 5: Simplified clinical governance with everything in one place and automatic alerts before documents expire 

Step 6: Automated pension form signing and reduced payment paperwork to save hours of admin time  

Step 7: Empowered workforce leaders with data and reports to ensure staff hit their required working hours and services are safely staffed

Step 8: Provided training and support to their team to ensure uptake and truly embed a better way of working


Today at SPCT

So what was the result?

With one single source of truth for the rota, staff could be confident that they had the most up-to-date information. Plus, self-scheduling tools gave salaried staff more flexibility to fit shifts around their schedule. 

On the admin side, Lantum automatically created an audit trail of everyone's shifts for confidence around IR35 compliance. Clinical governance documentation was connected to each staff member's profile.

Data and insights gave the leadership team the information they needed to ensure staff were working the right hours, which freed them up to focus on other development areas. 

Introducing Lantum saved over £10,000 in agency feeds and helped fill £10,000 in agency shifts. Less pressure, worry and time-consuming admin for staff helped reduce stress and increase efficiency.


Learn more

If you'd like to hear about how Lantum can support your urgent care organisation, just fill in the form below and we'll be in touch.