This week expert contributor Dr Junaid Bajwa shares his experience of his portfolio career
I have developed a portfolio career over the last few years including a variety of roles and responsibilities as well as the opportunity to learn from leadership training. My roles currently include:
It may seem to be a lot of hats, but many of the roles interweave and allow me to see how we can improve outcomes for patients as well as helping them navigate the system.
What are my day to day priorities and challenges?
Describe your role on the CCG, time commitment and remit
I spend at least 1.5 days per week on CCG activities. This includes:
I am supported by another clinician who is my “commissioning project lead” who does 1 day per week, and has a dotted line management to me. Although the contracted officer role is for 1.5days per week, I think on most weeks it feels as if I am doing at least 2.5-3 days.
It has been an amazing learning curve for both clinicians and managers within the CCG, and I would say that the first 6-9 months were about getting used to our new structure, and trying to “fly the plane, whilst we were building it at the same time”.
What is the Clinical Senate, time commitment and remit?
The Clinical Senate model comprises a wider Senate Forum and smaller Senate Council: members of the Clinical Senate Council have a role in supporting the ongoing improvement of quality and outcomes in London.
The Clinical Senate Forum is a diverse multi-professional group providing the Council with ready access to experts from a broad range of health and care professions. Membership encompasses the ‘birth to death’ spectrum of NHS care across all settings: patients and the public, public health and social care.
The Clinical Senate Council is a smaller multi-professional group with a membership of made up of: patients, CCGs, AHSNs, Providers (Hospital and Mental Health organisations). It provides overall leadership and manages the Senate’s business. It maintains a strategic overview across London and is responsible for the formulation and provision of advice that is sought from the Senate, drawing on the views and opinion of the broader Forum. It also advises on clinical networks’ strategic priorities and assures delivery.
Clinical Senates are non-statutory advisory bodies. The London Clinical Senate is hosted by NHS England (London Region) though operates independently of it. This independence is a core principle of Senates’ ways of working. The focus of the Clinical Senate function is that it provides impartial advice which is in the best interest of patients, not of organisations or professional interests.
How has my “leadership training” impacted on clinical practice?
I have been fortunate enough to have learned about leadership in a variety of settings:
Each of these experiences has taught me something new about the nature of leadership, and what it means to me, the organisation I work in, and most importantly the patients I serve.
This last element is probably one of the key elements for me which has impacted on both my leadership and clinical practice: the notion of "servant leadership" and how this has led to a change in my behaviour and actions. This has been most apparent when I am both managing patients (on a one to one), & when I am having to take responsibility for decisions effecting population care (on a one to many level).
These programmes have allowed me to understand myself better and how I engage with others, including patients, & overall I believe have made me a better clinician.